Got stood up

I wanted to catch up with old friends living in the Bay Area while I was visiting it. I am quite sure that opportunities to meet them are less as it is, and will diminish over time. So, when my school mate Vikrant suggested a dinner meeting last night, I readily accepted. About half year back, he got married to Sugandha and it would also be an opportunity for me to meet her. We decided on a venue, a time and a promise to be on time. I reached there dot on time.

And then I got stood up!

"Oh no!!" is what you are thinking. Well, it was bad. But then, it took me 5 minutes of roaming around the parking lot to realize that I wasn't stood up by Vikrant, but by myself. Now, how is that possible? Well, the fact was that in each communication, Vikrant had clearly told me to call up before I leave so as to synchronize his arrival. And I forgot. Completely.

In the interest of saving the evening, I went around the whole place looking for a pay phone and I couldn't find one. Damn, these Americans!!

I have known Vikrant for about 15 years now and he has saved me time and again in the past (from all the troubles I got into at school {Okay, I didn't get into trouble that many times!!}). And he saved me last night too. He and his wife landed up there anyway, just a few minutes later and we had a rollicking evening - remembering great days of the school and relating some of our school incidents to Sugandha. It was one great evening....

And the lesson: You could get stood up by yourself - so be careful.
