A little Assembly from Big-Bazaar

When I moved to Bangalore sometime back, Big Bazaar had one outlet and though it used to have attractive pricing on a lot of items and it was a great place to shop for "everything under the sun", checkout was a complete mess and you had to wait for hours in the checkout queue. A little later, when me and my wife were setting up our new house, we decided to use Big Bazaar, but after that, all of a sudden we stopped visiting the shop. It was too much pain to go for simple regular grocery shopping.

Then out of the blue, my wife suggested that we visit Big Bazaar when we were returning from a friends place after lunch. And we rode into the JP Nagar outlet, which by the way, is one of their many outlets in Bangalore now, and where checkouts are a lot more easier.

While visiting their Furniture section, we found the computer table we were meaning to buy at a much cheaper price than the furniture shops. The catch was that there is no delivery and you have to put together the table out of the kit they gave you. But the savings was almost Rs. 2000 and being the proud IITK engineer and a miserly TamBrahm, the option of screwing a few nuts and bolts for a few minutes in exchange for a couple thousands rupees was too much to pass. Plus the salesman said it is a fifteen minute job. There you go, its wonderful, I thought.

We got home with the plush boxes of ready-to-assemble kits of a computer table and chair. I opened the chair kit and assembled it in 15 minutes flat. Now I was planning to post my heroics in the IITK Alumni magazine!! Then I opened the table kit. It had a lot more parts. My wife bet I can't finish it in a hour. I cross-bet that I could complete it in 45 mins.

45 Minutes lates, I still hadn't put two pieces together. It took me a wholesome 3.5 hours to assemble it with some help (I won't be caught saying a lot of help!!) from my wife and mom, who finally realized the futility of sending me to 6 years of "Engineering Education".

On a sunday evening when I like to retire early, finishing your day 2 hour beyond my bed time because of a silly furniture assembly is nothing good to talk about. But as I finally retired, I realized that this was a great exprience in bonding. Like those team-bonding events organized by the corporate world, there should be a similar family bonding exercises conducted by buying assmebly kits and the whole family putting it together. Did I hear somebody say conducting good ol Indian marriages are like that?
